– Result: Metadata » Click to open. Date: Location: Tournament: Round: Opening: Submitted by: Published on: February 9, 2020 [Event ""] [Site ""] [Round ""] [Date "????.??.??"] [White ""] [Black ""] [Result ""] [Annotator ""] [ECO ""] [WhiteElo "0"] [BlackElo "0"] [Puzzle "0"] [DateTime ""] [This was true at the time I wrote it. But apparently several magazines, editors, and annotators felt this was good enough to receive an exclam. But I was not aware of this. (See the note after White's 6th move.)] But the idea of the Queen check, followed by moving the King's Rook to the center file is clearly the best plan. White had MANY reasonable move alternatives here. (Actually White had over a dozen reasonable alternatives here!) } ( { White could have played} 20. Qg5 ) ( {A "normal" Master might play} 20. exd5 20... Nbxd5 21. Nxd5 Rxd5 (21... Nxd5 {- GM Soltis.}) 22. Rhe1 Rxd1+ 23. Rxd1 23... Qe5 24. Bg2 {White has a slight edge.}) ( { or White could have played} 20. Rhe1 ) 20... Ka7 {Forced. (Poor Black!) Christiansen discussed this position, (in his book, "Storming The Barricades") at some length at this point. } ( {Not} 20... Qd6 21. e5 { and White wins a piece.}) { GM Larry Christiansen writes: "Kasparov devises a brilliant way to stabilize his position and throw some amazing tricks... - worthy of Siegfried & Roy! - at his opponent. Kasparov has seen certain mating possibilities are made possible by Black's slightly shaky King position." } 21. Rhe1 {Centralization and preparation. The best, according to GM Christiansen. Soltis did NOT give this move an exclam, although it does deserve one. '!' - (Several other annotators did award this move an exclam.) "This move (21.Rhe1!) strengthens his e4-point and completes the mobilization of White's forces." - GM Christiansen. } (21. exd5 21... Nbxd5 22. Nxd5 Nxd5 23. Qc1 {... only leads to equality. }) 21... d4 {('!?') Thi s move is pretty much forced. '!' - Several annotators chose to give this move an exclam, because Black had so many ways to go wrong. (I will avoid the temptation.) GM Andy Soltis writes: "Playing for the advantage. (22.Ne2 Nc4!) Old man hindsight would later say that 21...dxe4 22. fxe4, and Nd5 was too risky." } (21... dxe4 22. fxe4 Rhe8 23. Nd5 Nbxd5 24. exd5 Qd6 (24... Qxe1 25. Qc7+ 25... Bb7 26. Qxb7#) 25. Rxe8 Nxe8 26. Qxf7+ { Variation by GM Christiansen. }) 22. Nd5 {Inspiration. (Plus a Pawn sack.) '!' - (Only '!', according to Ftacnik.) Most GM's guard their pawns very jealously. (And do not want to give them away.) (The computer, after analyzing virtually all night, will NOT consider this move in its top 3 choices! And I tested over a dozen strong programs in this position.) Kasparov instead opens lines to the Black King. '!' - Soltis only gives this move one exclamation point, but I think that is far too stingy. Garry must have had to calculate close to 10 moves ahead here! } (22. Na2 { (unclear) }) 22... Nbxd5 {Interesting. '?!' - (DeFirmian, in MCO-14, gives this a dubious appellation, but offers no alternatives.) This is very strange, as this move looks 100% forced (Black's Queen is attacked after White played the move 22.Nd5. This would seem to limit the number of responses that Black could reasonably play.) and all other alternatives lose VERY quickly. The computer, after analyzing for over 20 minutes, gives this position (after the move 22...Nbxd5) an evaluation of equal. After analyzing this position for over an hour (see the continuations just below) I have come to the only possible conclusion that DeFirmian made a mistake in giving this move a dubious appellation. - A.J.G. (Perhaps this was an "editorial mistake," and the dubious appellation was meant for Black's 24th move?) } ( {The computer gives the line: Junior 6.0:} 22... Nfxd5 {('??')} 23. exd5 {The computer rates this position as completely winning (+2.48/14 +-). Now to analyze a little further:} 23... Qd6 {Forced.} ( {Not} 23... Qf8 24. Qc7+ Bb7 25. Qxb7#) 24. Qxf7+ {Again, this is forced.} 24... Nd7 ( {Not} 24... Kb8 25. Re6 Qc7 26. Re7 ) {And now} 25. Re7 { White wins a piece, with an easily won game. }) ( {I also looked at} 22... g5 23. Nxe7 gxf4 24. Nec6+ { wins the exchange for White, with an easily won game for White. }) 23. exd5 23... Qd6 {This seems forced. (Black's Queen was attacked.) Soltis writes: "Now 24.Qxd6 Rxd6; or 24.Nc6+ lead to bad endgames." } ( {Not} 23... Nxd5 24. Rxe7+ {winning for White.}) { Kasparov said he had prepared his next move when he analyzed 20.Qf4+. } 24. Rxd4 {(Maybe '!!!') Shocking, incredible, ...and PURE GENIUS! (What else can you say?) ________________________________________ http://www. geocities.com/lifemasteraj/best_moves.html Garry Kasparov's 24.Rxd4!! (Maybe even a TRIPLE or Quadruple exclam!) This is from the game, G. Kasparov-V. Topalov; Wijk aan Zee, 1999. A really brilliant move from maybe the greatest game of chess ever played. Indeed, when I first saw this move, I thought it was a mis-print. (Or a blunder!) A truly great move from maybe the best game of chess ever played. A must-see for any chess fan. (Garry sacks one Rook, then promptly offers the other Rook... for a King hunt that takes nearly 20 moves for White to track down... and finish off Black's King. This makes this combination one of the longest ones ever played over the board!) (I rate this as the greatest game of chess ever played!) - A. J. Goldsby ________________________________________ When I first went over this game, I thought this move was a misprint! One of the most shocking moves in all of chess literature. It looks like a typo - indeed I thought it was when I first went over this game. '!' - Virtually every annotator gives at least one exclam to this move. '!!' - (Around 10 annotators in books and in various magazines, give this move two exclams.) '!!' - (GM's Ftacnik and Stohl both give it 2.) '!' - Soltis only gives this move one exclamation point, but I think that is far, far too stingy. Especially as this may be one of the most brilliant moves - in maybe the most amazing game of chess ever played!! FM G. Burgess (In his book, "Chess Highlights of the 20th Century.") picks up the game with White's 24th move. '!' - Burgess also awards one exclam to the move, 24.Rxd4! *** '!!!' One of the best books of all time (in my book, anyway) is "The World's Great Chess Games" by the late, great GM Ruben Fine. I feel quite sure he would have been enthralled with this move and given it a triple exclam, as he did for just a handful of other moves in that book. *** GM Christiansen writes: "This terrific shot was a basis of the strengthening move 24.Rhe1. White saves his position by finding mating patterns that utilize to the degree his apparently disjointed forces. His seemingly randomly placed Knight and Bishop cooperate in creating mating-nets out of thin air." (From his book "Storming The Barricades".) '!!' - GM Seirawan. '!!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO. } ( {Plausible was} 24. Nc6+ { This move is the first choice of MOST computer programs/analysis engines.} 24... Bxc6 25. Qxd6 Rxd6 26. dxc6 Rxc6 27. Re7+ { with a pretty level game. - A.J.G. }) 24... cxd4 {(Maybe '?!') Aggressive, but maybe not the best defense. (But Topalov thought close to an hour before playing this move.) '?' - GM Christiansen. '?' - FM Burgess. '?' - GM Seirawan. '?' - GM Ftacnik. Personally I feel it is unfair to criticize this move too harshly. I have studied many of the games of Topalov. He is a fighter who avoids draws and level positions, and he may have still been striving for a win here. There can be no doubt that 24...Kb6! is superior to what was played in the game. But the move (...Kb6) looks very risky and Topalov may have had a hard time considering that move. It also goes against the natural instinct that good players have to keep your King safe. (The old rule, "Never let your King go 'a-wandering' with a lot of pieces still on the board," is good advice.) (Also Topalov may have still been trying to win.) I should also point out that to see THE WIN, Black would have to calculate nearly TWENTY moves ahead!! I think this might be asking a bit much? Many strong computer modules[analysis engines] (Such as Crafty and Comet.) think for many minutes, and then give the evaluation of "-+". This means that they consider this position as WINNING for BLACK!!!! (White now has a forced win!) } ( {Several GM's have pointed out that the best defense was probably: #1.) } 24... Kb6 {Easily the best move here. "After this move, I didn't see a (real) advantage for White." - GM Kasparov. } 25. Nb3 { "Other tries don't come close." - GM Christiansen. } ( {If} 25. b4 25... Qxf4 { and "Black is alive." - Soltis. Or} 26. Rxf4 26... Nxd5 ) { } 25... Bxd5 { This looks like the best move. } ( {or} 25... cxd4 26. Qxd4+ Kc7 27. Qa7+ Bb7 28. Nc5 Rb8 29. Re7+ 29... Qxe7 30. Nxa6+ {and White wins.}) ( { or} 25... g5 {- Soltis.}) { } 26. Qxd6+ 26... Rxd6 { "Level," according to FM Burgess. } 27. Rd2 Rhd8 28. Red1 28... a5 { "And Black has a small edge due to his greater control of space." - GM Christiansen. (I should probably hold my tongue, but I cannot. If the game had ended this way... who would have remembered it?) }) ( {#2.)} 24... Nxd5 25. Qxf7+ 25... Kb6 (25... Kb8 ) 26. Re6 {Variation by GM Soltis. }) ( { #3.) Not} 24... Qxf4 25. Rxf4 { }) ( { #4.) Several annotators have given the move} 24... Bxd5 { as Black's best defense.} 25. Rxd5 25... Nxd5 { } ( {Not} 25... Qxf4 26. Rxd8 26... Qc7 27. Rxh8 Qxa5 28. Re7+ Kb6 29. Rxf7 {(Probably "+-")} ) { } 26. Qxf7+ 26... Nc7 {(Forced.)} 27. Re6 (27. Re7 27... Kb6 ) 27... Rd7 28. Rxd6 Rxf7 29. Nc6+ Ka8 30. f4 {(unclear) (Maybe " "?) ... "followed by Bg2, was very promising for White." - GM Soltis. (I can find no clear-cut win, even though I spent any hours analyzing this variation. - A. J.G.) ..."when White has a pawn and annoying pressure for the exchange." - GM Christiansen. }) {White to move, what move would you play? } 25. Re7+ {A very shocking move. Also the linchpin of Garry's attacking ideas. '!!' - Soltis also awards TWO exclams to this move... and justly so. It is so shocking, it even looks like an error. '!' - (Dozens of other annotators also give this move at least one exclam.) FM Burgess does not even bother to give this move one exclam. (Apparently the appreciation of beauty and the realization of chess as a form of art does not live in his soul. ) '!!' - GM Christiansen also gives White's 25th move TWO exclams. '!!' - GM Seirawan also awards this move a double exclam. '!!' - GM Stohl gives the move (White's 25th move, Re7+) two exclamation points also. '!' - (As does GM Ftacnik.) '!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO, only awards this move one exclam. :( } ( {Of course, not} 25. Qxd4+ 25... Qb6 ) 25... Kb6 { Again, this may be forced. (Actually this IS forced. Any other move would lead to an immediate loss for Black.) } ( { The following two variations are by GM Kasparov. #1.)} 25... Qxe7 { (Maybe '?') Soltis gives this move a question mark. (Seirawan gives it 2 question marks.)} 26. Qxd4+ Kb8 27. Qb6+ Bb7 28. Nc6+ 28... Ka8 { The square, c8 is guarded by the White Bishop on h3.} 29. Qa7# { }) ( {#2.)} 25... Kb8 {(Maybe '?') Soltis does NOT give this move a question mark. - How strange! (Several annotators - such as Seirawan in the magazine "Inside Chess," - do award 25...Kb8 a question mark.) } 26. Qxd4 26... Nd7 { This looks like it is forced. } (26... Qxe7 27. Qb6+ Bb7 28. Nc6+ Ka8 29. Qa7# {- A.J.G. }) ( {Not} 26... Rd7 27. Rxd7 27... Nxd7 28. Qxh8+ ) { } 27. Bxd7 27... Bxd5 28. c4 28... Qxe7 29. Qb6+ Ka8 30. Qxa6+ Kb8 31. Qb6+ Ka8 32. Bc6+ {and White wins. - GM Kasparov in Informant 74/110. Now we pursue this line to its logical conclusion: } 32... Bxc6 33. Nxc6 { and now} 33... Rd7 {This appears forced.} ( {Not} 33... Qb7 34. Qa5+ Qa6 35. Qxa6#) 34. Nxe7 Rxe7 35. Qxb5 {- GM Seirawan. }) 26. Qxd4+ 26... Kxa5 {Is this forced? Unfortunately (for Black!) this move looks forced. Soltis writes: "This is the kind of a game that you need two[chess] sets to appreciate: One to follow the actual course of play and another to examine the dazzling 'might-have-been' variations." } ( { Soltis gives the following main line} 26... Qc5 {('?' Seirawan.)} 27. Qxf6+ Qd6 (27... Kxa5 28. b4+ {which wins Black's Queen.}) { } 28. Be6 { (Maybe '!!!') An amazing move, based on the fact that if Pawn captures Bishop (?), then Rook takes Pawn on e6; and White wins the Black Queen. (The Bishop also gains access to the a2-g8 diagonal.) Another amazing and little known fact is that BOTH Kasparov and Topalov saw this move at the board! (This was reported in a London Newspaper.) } (28. Qxf7 ) { } 28... Bxd5 { This looks relatively forced. } (28... Kxa5 29. b4+ Ka4 30. Qc3 Bxd5 31. Kb2 {- FM Burgess.}) 29. b4 29... Bc6 { Forced, to guard d4 and give Black another square for his King. } ( { The alternatives were not pretty: A.)} 29... Ba8 30. Qxf7 { I think Soltis stops here.} 30... Qd1+ 31. Kb2 31... Qxf3 { (31...Qd4+ 32.Ka2 +-)} 32. Bf5 {- GM Kasparov in "Informator 74/110." } ) ( {B.)} 29... Rhe8 30. Qd4+ Qc5 31. Qxc5# { This variation shows the threat Black had to address.)}) { } 30. Qxf7 30... Qd1+ 31. Kb2 31... Qxf3 {This looks forced.} (31... Qd4+ 32. Ka2 ) 32. Rc7 {(Maybe '!!')} 32... Qxf7 33. Rxc6+ Ka7 34. Bxf7 {..."and wins." - GM Soltis. (Apparently Soltis stole this line from Seirawan, ...and did not give any credit as to where the line originated from!) "White has achieved a winning ending." - GM Seirawan. }) 27. b4+ Ka4 28. Qc3 {(Probably '!') Nice. Tightening the noose. "Mate is threatened on b3." - Soltis. } ( { GM Lubosh Kavalek (in his column for a Washington D.C. newspaper) probably found a big improvement. The best moveis} 28. Ra7 { Now play could proceed} 28... Nxd5 (28... Bb7 { - FM Burgess gives this as the primary winning line.} 29. Rxb7 29... Qxd5 { "Best," according to Christiansen. } ( {If} 29... Rhe8 30. Bf1 { More fireworks. (The threat is now Bxb5+, followed by a winning check on a7.) } 30... Re1+ 31. Kb2 31... Rxf1 { } ( {If} 31... Nxd5 32. Bxb5+ axb5 33. Ra7+ Qa6 34. Rxa6#) { } 32. Qc3 32... Rb1+ 33. Kxb1 Qxd5 34. Ra7 34... Rd6 35. Kb2 {... "and White mates soon." - GM Kavalek. Also reprinted in GM Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess." }) 30. Rb6 30... a5 31. Ra6 31... Ra8 32. Qe3 {'!!' - GM Seirawan. } 32... Rxa6 33. Kb2 {Burgess stops here and says: "...and Black suffers ruinous losses." - FM Burgess. Continuing, we get} 33... axb4 34. axb4 34... Qa2+ { "Best," according to Christiansen. } ( {Not} 34... Kxb4 35. Qc3+ Ka4 36. Qa3#) { } 35. Kxa2 35... Kxb4+ 36. Kb2 Rc6 37. Bf1 37... Ra8 ( {Not} 37... Re8 38. Qa3#) 38. Qe7+ Ka5 39. Qb7 { "... winning at least a full Rook." - GM Christiansen. }) ( {or} 28... Bxd5 29. Qc3 29... Rhe8 { } ( {or} 29... Ra8 30. Kb2 30... Rxa7 31. Qb3+ Bxb3 32. cxb3#) ( {or Black could play} 29... Bc4 30. Kb2 Ra8 31. Qb3+ Bxb3 32. cxb3#) { } 30. Kb2 30... Re2 31. Qc7 31... Qxc7 32. Rxa6+ 32... Qa5 {Variation by - GM Christiansen. (Who may have gotten part of his analysis from GM Kavalek's newspaper column.) This line was also printed in GM Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess". }) { (We now return to Kavalek's main analysis line, after 28.Ra7!! Nxd5.)} 29. Bd7 {'!!' - GM Seirawan. } ( {or} 29. Rxa6+ {('!') "Exclam," says Burgess.} 29... Qxa6 30. Qb2 { Burgess stops here, apparently concluding that White is winning.} 30... Nc3+ { (There is no other way to prevent Qb3#.)} 31. Qxc3 Bd5 32. Kb2 { The computer says it is a forced mate in 5. (Black has to} 32... Qf6 { to prevent 33.Qb3+ Bxd5 34. axb3#.)}) { } 29... Rxd7 { } ( {or} 29... Rc8 30. Qd3 Nc3+ 31. Kb2 Qf6 32. Qd4 32... Nd1+ 33. Kc1 { Yet another incredible variation with a double exclam move in the line.}) { } 30. Qb2 {The GM stops here and concludes that Black is helpless to prevent Qb3 without giving back copious amounts of material. Main variation by GM Kavalek. } ( {or} 30. Rxd7 30... Qxd7 31. Qb2 Nc3+ 32. Qxc3 Qd5 33. Kb2 ) { Following this line to its logical conclusion, we get} 30... Nxb4 { Black must do something to stop Qb3 mate. } ( {or} 30... Nc3+ 31. Qxc3 Qd1+ 32. Kb2 32... Qd4 {(Black is helpless against mate threats at a6 and b3.)} 33. Rxa6#) { } 31. Rxd7 31... Qc5 32. Rd4 Qe7 33. axb4 Qe3 34. Rd6 Bb7 ( {or} 34... a5 35. c3 ) 35. c3 Qe1+ 36. Ka2 {Black is in a mating web, and has to play[massive] "give-away" to prevent mate. - A.J.G. }) 28... Qxd5 {This looks forced too. "Black must somehow prevent mates along both the a-file, and also schemes involving Kb2 and Qb3+." - GM Christiansen. } ( {Definitely not} 28... Bxd5 29. Kb2 29... Qe5 30. Rxe5 Rhe8 31. Qb3+ {('!')} 31... Bxb3 32. cxb3#) { Soltis does NOT give White's next move an exclam, but '!' - Burgess does! '!' - GM Mike Adams, annotating this game for a British chess magazine, also awarded this move an exclamation point. } 29. Ra7 29... Bb7 {This also may be forced. "Black must return some of his enormous bounty to avoid mate, but..." - GM Christiansen. } ( { Black should not play} 29... Rhe8 30. Kb2 (30. Rxa6#) 30... Rd6 31. Qb3+ Qxb3+ 32. cxb3# {This mating web is what Black must struggle to prevent. }) 30. Rxb7 30... Qc4 {(Maybe '!?') The struggle continues. Many people claimed there was a better defense here, but this was never proven. '(?)' - Seirawan gives this move a question mark in parenthesis, but that is too harsh. (I have analyzed this position to a completely forced win for White. So to criticize any Black move is rather pointless.) } ( { Some of the alternatives here are: #1.)} 30... Qxb7 31. Qb3# { }) ( { #2.)} 30... Rd6 31. Rb6 31... Rxb6 {Forced? } ( {Black could also try} 31... Ra8 32. Rxd6 32... Qc4 {(Not 32...Qxd6?? 33.Qb3#)} 33. Qxf6 ) (31... Qc4 32. Rxd6 ) { } 32. Kb2 32... Re8 33. Qb3+ Qxb3+ 34. cxb3# { An amazing mate, White's lone Bishop on the far side of the board is not even in the game. Black is ahead in playing points almost 15 points, but loses the game. What is also noteworthy is that the mate is accomplished with only... a King and three White Pawns! }) ( {#3.)} 30... Rhe8 { - GM Topalov (shortly after the game).} 31. Rb6 Ra8 32. Bf1 { - IM Gert Ligterink. } 32... Re1+ {This seems to be forced.} ( { Some of the alternatives are: } 32... Nd7 33. Rd6 Re1+ 34. Kb2 ( {Not} 34. Qxe1 34... Qxd6 ) 34... Qe5 (34... Re3 35. Qxe3 Qe5+ 36. Qxe5 Nxe5 37. f4 Nc4+ 38. Bxc4 bxc4 ( {or} 38... a5 39. Bb3#)) 35. Rd4 {White is wi nning easily. Black will have to play 'give-away' to prevent - Qb3+ (...with mate to follow). }) (32... Re6 33. Rxe6 Qxe6 34. Kb2 { }) (32... Rec8 33. Qxc8 33... Qd1+ 34. Ka2 Qd5+ 35. Bc4 35... Qxc4+ ( {or} 35... bxc4 36. Rxa6+ Kb5 37. Qxa8 ) 36. Qxc4 bxc4 37. Rxf6 { }) (32... Nh5 33. Rd6 33... Re1+ 34. Kb2 Qe5 35. Rd4 Qxd4 36. Qxd4 Rxf1 37. Qd3 { }) { (We now return to the main analysis line of 30.Rhe8.)} 33. Qxe1 33... Nd7 34. Rb7 34... Qxb7 { } ( {If} 34... Ne5 {then} 35. Qc3 Qxf3 36. Bd3 Qd5 37. Be4 37... Qc4 38. Qxe5 ) { } 35. Qd1 35... Kxa3 36. c3 { Soltis stops here and remarks that White is mating Black. } 36... h5 37. Qc1+ Ka4 38. Qc2+ Ka3 39. Qa2# {This line of analysis by GM Andrew Soltis. (Although it is not clear how much of this analysis he "borrowed" from GM Seirawan in the magazine "Inside Chess".) }) ( {#4.) or} 30... Ne4 31. fxe4 Qc4 32. Ra7 32... Rd1+ 33. Kb2 Qxc3+ 34. Kxc3 Rd6 35. e5 Rb6 36. Kb2 Re8 37. Bg2 37... Rd8 (37... Rxe5 38. Bb7 Re3 ( {Definetely not} 38... Ree6 39. Bd5 Re3 40. Bb3+ Rxb3+ 41. cxb3#) 39. Bxa6 Rxa3 40. Bc8+ Kxb4 41. Rxa3 ) 38. Bb7 Rd7 39. Bc6 39... Rd8 ( {or} 39... Rxa7 40. Bd5 Rd7 41. Bb3#) 40. Bb7 {... "with c4 to follow, is also a win for White." - FM Burgess. (This line may have originated with GM Kasparov.) }) 31. Qxf6 31... Kxa3 { What else can Black do? '?' - GM Christiansen. '?' - GM Seirawan. (I personally think this is a little too harsh.) (Black may not have yet seen the knock-out blow. The end is still many moves away and there are several pretty and surprising moves yet to find.) } ( {Soltis gives the line} 31... Rd1+ 32. Kb2 32... Ra8 { } ( {If} 32... Qd4+ 33. Qxd4 Rxd4 34. Rxf7 { (Maybe "+-")}) { } 33. Qb6 33... Qd4+ {GM Soltis stops here.} 34. Qxd4 Rxd4 35. Rxf7 {Burgess stops here, and says, ..."winning more prosaically." - FM Burgess. This line was also printed in Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess". } 35... Rd6 {This looks forced.} ( {The alternatives are: } 35... h5 36. Be6 ) (35... a5 36. Be6 axb4 37. Bb3+ Ka5 38. axb4+ 38... Kb6 {Forced. } ( {Not} 38... Rxb4 39. c3 {and the Rook is trapped.}) { } 39. Rxh7 { (Maybe " ") ..."with a winning ending." - GM Christiansen. }) { (Returning to the main analysis line after 35...Rd6.)} 36. Rxh7 {"A very de ceiving position. Materially, Black is not doing so badly. But if White's light-squared Bishop ever gains one of the diagonals leading to the Black King. .." - A.J.G. }) 32. Qxa6+ Kxb4 33. c3+ {It rains beautiful moves. '!' - Soltis only awards this move one exclamation point. But this is such an amazing move, I think it fully deserves two. '!' - (Many other annotators also give this move an exclam. Including the South American magazine I was recently sent.) White attacks Black's King, but further exposes his own royal leader. '!' - Burgess also only gives White's 33rd move one exclam. "33.Bd7 Rxd7 34.Rxd7 Rc8! and Black is still fighting." - GM Christiansen. '!!' - GM Seirawan also gives this move TWO exclamation points. '!!' - GM Arnold Denker also gives this move TWO exclams.[See the magazine "Chess Life". May, 1999.] '!' - GM DeFirmian. '!' - GM Christiansen. } ( { I have showed this game (and position) dozens and dozens times to friends and students. Most strong players want to play themove} 33. Bd7 { (Maybe '!') This looks winning. }) 33... Kxc3 { Very clearly, this is forced. } ( {Not} 33... Qxc3 34. Qxb5+ Ka3 35. Ra7+ Qa5 36. Rxa5#) 34. Qa1+ Kd2 35. Qb2+ Kd1 36. Bf1 {Incredible. How many brilliant moves can one man play? Soltis writes: "A fine concluding blow. The Bishop cannot be taken because of because of 37.Qc2+ and 38.Re7+." '!' - Soltis gives this move only one exclam. But the move is so pretty and surprising, I think it fully deserves two exclamation points. '!' - Burgess also gives White's 36th move one exclam. '!!' - GM Christiansen gives White's 36th move... TWO exclamation points! "The attack reaches its climax. Black must yield his Queen to avoid mate." - GM Christiansen. '!!' - GM Seirawan also awards White's 36th move two exclams! '!!' - GM Joel Lautier in a French chess magazine. '!' - GM DeFirmian. (MCO-14) '!!' - (After posting this game on the Internet, an avid reader scanned a Spanish Magazine from South America and sent me this game as a text attachment to an e-mail. I am not sure who the annotator was, but they also awarded this move[36.Bf1] two exclams.) } ( {Not} 36. Re7 36... Qd3+ 37. Ka1 37... Ra8+ {(One of my beginner students suggested 36.Re7 to try to threaten mate. The problem is the White King is too exposed for this to work.) }) 36... Rd2 {Forced. (Not much choice here.) } (36... Qxf1 37. Qc2+ Ke1 38. Re7+ Qe2 39. Qxe2#) 37. Rd7 {(Maybe '!!') Yet one more tactical shot. '!' - Soltis also awards this move only one exclam. '!' - FM Burgess, in his excellent book "Chess Highlights of The 20th Century," also awards this move an exclamation point. '!' - As does GM Christiansen in his book. '!!' - Seirawan awards White's 37th move[Rd7] TWO exclams. '!' - "The final trick, but white is completely right - the game is finally over." - GM Ftacnik. '!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO-14, awards this move one exclam and stops here and concludes that White is winning. } ( {If} 37. Bxc4 37... Rxb2+ 38. Kxb2 bxc4 39. Kc3 f5 40. Kxc4 ) 37... Rxd7 38. Bxc4 bxc4 39. Qxh8 { The end. "Black can resign." - GM Soltis. (The game concluded:) } 39... Rd3 40. Qa8 c3 41. Qa4+ Ke1 42. f4 f5 43. Kc1 Rd2 44. Qa7 {Black Resigns. } (44. Qa7 {(If} 44... Rxh2 45. Qg1+ {wins the Rook.)}) 1-0 [This was true at the time I wrote it. But apparently several magazines, editors, and annotators felt this was good enough to receive an exclam. But I was not aware of this. (See the note after White's 6th move.)] But the idea of the Queen check, followed by moving the King's Rook to the center file is clearly the best plan. White had MANY reasonable move alternatives here. (Actually White had over a dozen reasonable alternatives here!) } ( { White could have played} 20. Qg5 ) ( {A "normal" Master might play} 20. exd5 20... Nbxd5 21. Nxd5 Rxd5 (21... Nxd5 {- GM Soltis.}) 22. Rhe1 Rxd1+ 23. Rxd1 23... Qe5 24. Bg2 {White has a slight edge.}) ( { or White could have played} 20. Rhe1 ) 20... Ka7 {Forced. (Poor Black!) Christiansen discussed this position, (in his book, "Storming The Barricades") at some length at this point. } ( {Not} 20... Qd6 21. e5 { and White wins a piece.}) { GM Larry Christiansen writes: "Kasparov devises a brilliant way to stabilize his position and throw some amazing tricks... - worthy of Siegfried & Roy! - at his opponent. Kasparov has seen certain mating possibilities are made possible by Black's slightly shaky King position." } 21. Rhe1 {Centralization and preparation. The best, according to GM Christiansen. Soltis did NOT give this move an exclam, although it does deserve one. '!' - (Several other annotators did award this move an exclam.) "This move (21.Rhe1!) strengthens his e4-point and completes the mobilization of White's forces." - GM Christiansen. } (21. exd5 21... Nbxd5 22. Nxd5 Nxd5 23. Qc1 {... only leads to equality. }) 21... d4 {('!?') Thi s move is pretty much forced. '!' - Several annotators chose to give this move an exclam, because Black had so many ways to go wrong. (I will avoid the temptation.) GM Andy Soltis writes: "Playing for the advantage. (22.Ne2 Nc4!) Old man hindsight would later say that 21...dxe4 22. fxe4, and Nd5 was too risky." } (21... dxe4 22. fxe4 Rhe8 23. Nd5 Nbxd5 24. exd5 Qd6 (24... Qxe1 25. Qc7+ 25... Bb7 26. Qxb7#) 25. Rxe8 Nxe8 26. Qxf7+ { Variation by GM Christiansen. }) 22. Nd5 {Inspiration. (Plus a Pawn sack.) '!' - (Only '!', according to Ftacnik.) Most GM's guard their pawns very jealously. (And do not want to give them away.) (The computer, after analyzing virtually all night, will NOT consider this move in its top 3 choices! And I tested over a dozen strong programs in this position.) Kasparov instead opens lines to the Black King. '!' - Soltis only gives this move one exclamation point, but I think that is far too stingy. Garry must have had to calculate close to 10 moves ahead here! } (22. Na2 { (unclear) }) 22... Nbxd5 {Interesting. '?!' - (DeFirmian, in MCO-14, gives this a dubious appellation, but offers no alternatives.) This is very strange, as this move looks 100% forced (Black's Queen is attacked after White played the move 22.Nd5. This would seem to limit the number of responses that Black could reasonably play.) and all other alternatives lose VERY quickly. The computer, after analyzing for over 20 minutes, gives this position (after the move 22...Nbxd5) an evaluation of equal. After analyzing this position for over an hour (see the continuations just below) I have come to the only possible conclusion that DeFirmian made a mistake in giving this move a dubious appellation. - A.J.G. (Perhaps this was an "editorial mistake," and the dubious appellation was meant for Black's 24th move?) } ( {The computer gives the line: Junior 6.0:} 22... Nfxd5 {('??')} 23. exd5 {The computer rates this position as completely winning (+2.48/14 +-). Now to analyze a little further:} 23... Qd6 {Forced.} ( {Not} 23... Qf8 24. Qc7+ Bb7 25. Qxb7#) 24. Qxf7+ {Again, this is forced.} 24... Nd7 ( {Not} 24... Kb8 25. Re6 Qc7 26. Re7 ) {And now} 25. Re7 { White wins a piece, with an easily won game. }) ( {I also looked at} 22... g5 23. Nxe7 gxf4 24. Nec6+ { wins the exchange for White, with an easily won game for White. }) 23. exd5 23... Qd6 {This seems forced. (Black's Queen was attacked.) Soltis writes: "Now 24.Qxd6 Rxd6; or 24.Nc6+ lead to bad endgames." } ( {Not} 23... Nxd5 24. Rxe7+ {winning for White.}) { Kasparov said he had prepared his next move when he analyzed 20.Qf4+. } 24. Rxd4 {(Maybe '!!!') Shocking, incredible, ...and PURE GENIUS! (What else can you say?) ________________________________________ http://www. geocities.com/lifemasteraj/best_moves.html Garry Kasparov's 24.Rxd4!! (Maybe even a TRIPLE or Quadruple exclam!) This is from the game, G. Kasparov-V. Topalov; Wijk aan Zee, 1999. A really brilliant move from maybe the greatest game of chess ever played. Indeed, when I first saw this move, I thought it was a mis-print. (Or a blunder!) A truly great move from maybe the best game of chess ever played. A must-see for any chess fan. (Garry sacks one Rook, then promptly offers the other Rook... for a King hunt that takes nearly 20 moves for White to track down... and finish off Black's King. This makes this combination one of the longest ones ever played over the board!) (I rate this as the greatest game of chess ever played!) - A. J. Goldsby ________________________________________ When I first went over this game, I thought this move was a misprint! One of the most shocking moves in all of chess literature. It looks like a typo - indeed I thought it was when I first went over this game. '!' - Virtually every annotator gives at least one exclam to this move. '!!' - (Around 10 annotators in books and in various magazines, give this move two exclams.) '!!' - (GM's Ftacnik and Stohl both give it 2.) '!' - Soltis only gives this move one exclamation point, but I think that is far, far too stingy. Especially as this may be one of the most brilliant moves - in maybe the most amazing game of chess ever played!! FM G. Burgess (In his book, "Chess Highlights of the 20th Century.") picks up the game with White's 24th move. '!' - Burgess also awards one exclam to the move, 24.Rxd4! *** '!!!' One of the best books of all time (in my book, anyway) is "The World's Great Chess Games" by the late, great GM Ruben Fine. I feel quite sure he would have been enthralled with this move and given it a triple exclam, as he did for just a handful of other moves in that book. *** GM Christiansen writes: "This terrific shot was a basis of the strengthening move 24.Rhe1. White saves his position by finding mating patterns that utilize to the degree his apparently disjointed forces. His seemingly randomly placed Knight and Bishop cooperate in creating mating-nets out of thin air." (From his book "Storming The Barricades".) '!!' - GM Seirawan. '!!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO. } ( {Plausible was} 24. Nc6+ { This move is the first choice of MOST computer programs/analysis engines.} 24... Bxc6 25. Qxd6 Rxd6 26. dxc6 Rxc6 27. Re7+ { with a pretty level game. - A.J.G. }) 24... cxd4 {(Maybe '?!') Aggressive, but maybe not the best defense. (But Topalov thought close to an hour before playing this move.) '?' - GM Christiansen. '?' - FM Burgess. '?' - GM Seirawan. '?' - GM Ftacnik. Personally I feel it is unfair to criticize this move too harshly. I have studied many of the games of Topalov. He is a fighter who avoids draws and level positions, and he may have still been striving for a win here. There can be no doubt that 24...Kb6! is superior to what was played in the game. But the move (...Kb6) looks very risky and Topalov may have had a hard time considering that move. It also goes against the natural instinct that good players have to keep your King safe. (The old rule, "Never let your King go 'a-wandering' with a lot of pieces still on the board," is good advice.) (Also Topalov may have still been trying to win.) I should also point out that to see THE WIN, Black would have to calculate nearly TWENTY moves ahead!! I think this might be asking a bit much? Many strong computer modules[analysis engines] (Such as Crafty and Comet.) think for many minutes, and then give the evaluation of "-+". This means that they consider this position as WINNING for BLACK!!!! (White now has a forced win!) } ( {Several GM's have pointed out that the best defense was probably: #1.) } 24... Kb6 {Easily the best move here. "After this move, I didn't see a (real) advantage for White." - GM Kasparov. } 25. Nb3 { "Other tries don't come close." - GM Christiansen. } ( {If} 25. b4 25... Qxf4 { and "Black is alive." - Soltis. Or} 26. Rxf4 26... Nxd5 ) { } 25... Bxd5 { This looks like the best move. } ( {or} 25... cxd4 26. Qxd4+ Kc7 27. Qa7+ Bb7 28. Nc5 Rb8 29. Re7+ 29... Qxe7 30. Nxa6+ {and White wins.}) ( { or} 25... g5 {- Soltis.}) { } 26. Qxd6+ 26... Rxd6 { "Level," according to FM Burgess. } 27. Rd2 Rhd8 28. Red1 28... a5 { "And Black has a small edge due to his greater control of space." - GM Christiansen. (I should probably hold my tongue, but I cannot. If the game had ended this way... who would have remembered it?) }) ( {#2.)} 24... Nxd5 25. Qxf7+ 25... Kb6 (25... Kb8 ) 26. Re6 {Variation by GM Soltis. }) ( { #3.) Not} 24... Qxf4 25. Rxf4 { }) ( { #4.) Several annotators have given the move} 24... Bxd5 { as Black's best defense.} 25. Rxd5 25... Nxd5 { } ( {Not} 25... Qxf4 26. Rxd8 26... Qc7 27. Rxh8 Qxa5 28. Re7+ Kb6 29. Rxf7 {(Probably "+-")} ) { } 26. Qxf7+ 26... Nc7 {(Forced.)} 27. Re6 (27. Re7 27... Kb6 ) 27... Rd7 28. Rxd6 Rxf7 29. Nc6+ Ka8 30. f4 {(unclear) (Maybe " "?) ... "followed by Bg2, was very promising for White." - GM Soltis. (I can find no clear-cut win, even though I spent any hours analyzing this variation. - A. J.G.) ..."when White has a pawn and annoying pressure for the exchange." - GM Christiansen. }) {White to move, what move would you play? } 25. Re7+ {A very shocking move. Also the linchpin of Garry's attacking ideas. '!!' - Soltis also awards TWO exclams to this move... and justly so. It is so shocking, it even looks like an error. '!' - (Dozens of other annotators also give this move at least one exclam.) FM Burgess does not even bother to give this move one exclam. (Apparently the appreciation of beauty and the realization of chess as a form of art does not live in his soul. ) '!!' - GM Christiansen also gives White's 25th move TWO exclams. '!!' - GM Seirawan also awards this move a double exclam. '!!' - GM Stohl gives the move (White's 25th move, Re7+) two exclamation points also. '!' - (As does GM Ftacnik.) '!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO, only awards this move one exclam. :( } ( {Of course, not} 25. Qxd4+ 25... Qb6 ) 25... Kb6 { Again, this may be forced. (Actually this IS forced. Any other move would lead to an immediate loss for Black.) } ( { The following two variations are by GM Kasparov. #1.)} 25... Qxe7 { (Maybe '?') Soltis gives this move a question mark. (Seirawan gives it 2 question marks.)} 26. Qxd4+ Kb8 27. Qb6+ Bb7 28. Nc6+ 28... Ka8 { The square, c8 is guarded by the White Bishop on h3.} 29. Qa7# { }) ( {#2.)} 25... Kb8 {(Maybe '?') Soltis does NOT give this move a question mark. - How strange! (Several annotators - such as Seirawan in the magazine "Inside Chess," - do award 25...Kb8 a question mark.) } 26. Qxd4 26... Nd7 { This looks like it is forced. } (26... Qxe7 27. Qb6+ Bb7 28. Nc6+ Ka8 29. Qa7# {- A.J.G. }) ( {Not} 26... Rd7 27. Rxd7 27... Nxd7 28. Qxh8+ ) { } 27. Bxd7 27... Bxd5 28. c4 28... Qxe7 29. Qb6+ Ka8 30. Qxa6+ Kb8 31. Qb6+ Ka8 32. Bc6+ {and White wins. - GM Kasparov in Informant 74/110. Now we pursue this line to its logical conclusion: } 32... Bxc6 33. Nxc6 { and now} 33... Rd7 {This appears forced.} ( {Not} 33... Qb7 34. Qa5+ Qa6 35. Qxa6#) 34. Nxe7 Rxe7 35. Qxb5 {- GM Seirawan. }) 26. Qxd4+ 26... Kxa5 {Is this forced? Unfortunately (for Black!) this move looks forced. Soltis writes: "This is the kind of a game that you need two[chess] sets to appreciate: One to follow the actual course of play and another to examine the dazzling 'might-have-been' variations." } ( { Soltis gives the following main line} 26... Qc5 {('?' Seirawan.)} 27. Qxf6+ Qd6 (27... Kxa5 28. b4+ {which wins Black's Queen.}) { } 28. Be6 { (Maybe '!!!') An amazing move, based on the fact that if Pawn captures Bishop (?), then Rook takes Pawn on e6; and White wins the Black Queen. (The Bishop also gains access to the a2-g8 diagonal.) Another amazing and little known fact is that BOTH Kasparov and Topalov saw this move at the board! (This was reported in a London Newspaper.) } (28. Qxf7 ) { } 28... Bxd5 { This looks relatively forced. } (28... Kxa5 29. b4+ Ka4 30. Qc3 Bxd5 31. Kb2 {- FM Burgess.}) 29. b4 29... Bc6 { Forced, to guard d4 and give Black another square for his King. } ( { The alternatives were not pretty: A.)} 29... Ba8 30. Qxf7 { I think Soltis stops here.} 30... Qd1+ 31. Kb2 31... Qxf3 { (31...Qd4+ 32.Ka2 +-)} 32. Bf5 {- GM Kasparov in "Informator 74/110." } ) ( {B.)} 29... Rhe8 30. Qd4+ Qc5 31. Qxc5# { This variation shows the threat Black had to address.)}) { } 30. Qxf7 30... Qd1+ 31. Kb2 31... Qxf3 {This looks forced.} (31... Qd4+ 32. Ka2 ) 32. Rc7 {(Maybe '!!')} 32... Qxf7 33. Rxc6+ Ka7 34. Bxf7 {..."and wins." - GM Soltis. (Apparently Soltis stole this line from Seirawan, ...and did not give any credit as to where the line originated from!) "White has achieved a winning ending." - GM Seirawan. }) 27. b4+ Ka4 28. Qc3 {(Probably '!') Nice. Tightening the noose. "Mate is threatened on b3." - Soltis. } ( { GM Lubosh Kavalek (in his column for a Washington D.C. newspaper) probably found a big improvement. The best moveis} 28. Ra7 { Now play could proceed} 28... Nxd5 (28... Bb7 { - FM Burgess gives this as the primary winning line.} 29. Rxb7 29... Qxd5 { "Best," according to Christiansen. } ( {If} 29... Rhe8 30. Bf1 { More fireworks. (The threat is now Bxb5+, followed by a winning check on a7.) } 30... Re1+ 31. Kb2 31... Rxf1 { } ( {If} 31... Nxd5 32. Bxb5+ axb5 33. Ra7+ Qa6 34. Rxa6#) { } 32. Qc3 32... Rb1+ 33. Kxb1 Qxd5 34. Ra7 34... Rd6 35. Kb2 {... "and White mates soon." - GM Kavalek. Also reprinted in GM Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess." }) 30. Rb6 30... a5 31. Ra6 31... Ra8 32. Qe3 {'!!' - GM Seirawan. } 32... Rxa6 33. Kb2 {Burgess stops here and says: "...and Black suffers ruinous losses." - FM Burgess. Continuing, we get} 33... axb4 34. axb4 34... Qa2+ { "Best," according to Christiansen. } ( {Not} 34... Kxb4 35. Qc3+ Ka4 36. Qa3#) { } 35. Kxa2 35... Kxb4+ 36. Kb2 Rc6 37. Bf1 37... Ra8 ( {Not} 37... Re8 38. Qa3#) 38. Qe7+ Ka5 39. Qb7 { "... winning at least a full Rook." - GM Christiansen. }) ( {or} 28... Bxd5 29. Qc3 29... Rhe8 { } ( {or} 29... Ra8 30. Kb2 30... Rxa7 31. Qb3+ Bxb3 32. cxb3#) ( {or Black could play} 29... Bc4 30. Kb2 Ra8 31. Qb3+ Bxb3 32. cxb3#) { } 30. Kb2 30... Re2 31. Qc7 31... Qxc7 32. Rxa6+ 32... Qa5 {Variation by - GM Christiansen. (Who may have gotten part of his analysis from GM Kavalek's newspaper column.) This line was also printed in GM Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess". }) { (We now return to Kavalek's main analysis line, after 28.Ra7!! Nxd5.)} 29. Bd7 {'!!' - GM Seirawan. } ( {or} 29. Rxa6+ {('!') "Exclam," says Burgess.} 29... Qxa6 30. Qb2 { Burgess stops here, apparently concluding that White is winning.} 30... Nc3+ { (There is no other way to prevent Qb3#.)} 31. Qxc3 Bd5 32. Kb2 { The computer says it is a forced mate in 5. (Black has to} 32... Qf6 { to prevent 33.Qb3+ Bxd5 34. axb3#.)}) { } 29... Rxd7 { } ( {or} 29... Rc8 30. Qd3 Nc3+ 31. Kb2 Qf6 32. Qd4 32... Nd1+ 33. Kc1 { Yet another incredible variation with a double exclam move in the line.}) { } 30. Qb2 {The GM stops here and concludes that Black is helpless to prevent Qb3 without giving back copious amounts of material. Main variation by GM Kavalek. } ( {or} 30. Rxd7 30... Qxd7 31. Qb2 Nc3+ 32. Qxc3 Qd5 33. Kb2 ) { Following this line to its logical conclusion, we get} 30... Nxb4 { Black must do something to stop Qb3 mate. } ( {or} 30... Nc3+ 31. Qxc3 Qd1+ 32. Kb2 32... Qd4 {(Black is helpless against mate threats at a6 and b3.)} 33. Rxa6#) { } 31. Rxd7 31... Qc5 32. Rd4 Qe7 33. axb4 Qe3 34. Rd6 Bb7 ( {or} 34... a5 35. c3 ) 35. c3 Qe1+ 36. Ka2 {Black is in a mating web, and has to play[massive] "give-away" to prevent mate. - A.J.G. }) 28... Qxd5 {This looks forced too. "Black must somehow prevent mates along both the a-file, and also schemes involving Kb2 and Qb3+." - GM Christiansen. } ( {Definitely not} 28... Bxd5 29. Kb2 29... Qe5 30. Rxe5 Rhe8 31. Qb3+ {('!')} 31... Bxb3 32. cxb3#) { Soltis does NOT give White's next move an exclam, but '!' - Burgess does! '!' - GM Mike Adams, annotating this game for a British chess magazine, also awarded this move an exclamation point. } 29. Ra7 29... Bb7 {This also may be forced. "Black must return some of his enormous bounty to avoid mate, but..." - GM Christiansen. } ( { Black should not play} 29... Rhe8 30. Kb2 (30. Rxa6#) 30... Rd6 31. Qb3+ Qxb3+ 32. cxb3# {This mating web is what Black must struggle to prevent. }) 30. Rxb7 30... Qc4 {(Maybe '!?') The struggle continues. Many people claimed there was a better defense here, but this was never proven. '(?)' - Seirawan gives this move a question mark in parenthesis, but that is too harsh. (I have analyzed this position to a completely forced win for White. So to criticize any Black move is rather pointless.) } ( { Some of the alternatives here are: #1.)} 30... Qxb7 31. Qb3# { }) ( { #2.)} 30... Rd6 31. Rb6 31... Rxb6 {Forced? } ( {Black could also try} 31... Ra8 32. Rxd6 32... Qc4 {(Not 32...Qxd6?? 33.Qb3#)} 33. Qxf6 ) (31... Qc4 32. Rxd6 ) { } 32. Kb2 32... Re8 33. Qb3+ Qxb3+ 34. cxb3# { An amazing mate, White's lone Bishop on the far side of the board is not even in the game. Black is ahead in playing points almost 15 points, but loses the game. What is also noteworthy is that the mate is accomplished with only... a King and three White Pawns! }) ( {#3.)} 30... Rhe8 { - GM Topalov (shortly after the game).} 31. Rb6 Ra8 32. Bf1 { - IM Gert Ligterink. } 32... Re1+ {This seems to be forced.} ( { Some of the alternatives are: } 32... Nd7 33. Rd6 Re1+ 34. Kb2 ( {Not} 34. Qxe1 34... Qxd6 ) 34... Qe5 (34... Re3 35. Qxe3 Qe5+ 36. Qxe5 Nxe5 37. f4 Nc4+ 38. Bxc4 bxc4 ( {or} 38... a5 39. Bb3#)) 35. Rd4 {White is wi nning easily. Black will have to play 'give-away' to prevent - Qb3+ (...with mate to follow). }) (32... Re6 33. Rxe6 Qxe6 34. Kb2 { }) (32... Rec8 33. Qxc8 33... Qd1+ 34. Ka2 Qd5+ 35. Bc4 35... Qxc4+ ( {or} 35... bxc4 36. Rxa6+ Kb5 37. Qxa8 ) 36. Qxc4 bxc4 37. Rxf6 { }) (32... Nh5 33. Rd6 33... Re1+ 34. Kb2 Qe5 35. Rd4 Qxd4 36. Qxd4 Rxf1 37. Qd3 { }) { (We now return to the main analysis line of 30.Rhe8.)} 33. Qxe1 33... Nd7 34. Rb7 34... Qxb7 { } ( {If} 34... Ne5 {then} 35. Qc3 Qxf3 36. Bd3 Qd5 37. Be4 37... Qc4 38. Qxe5 ) { } 35. Qd1 35... Kxa3 36. c3 { Soltis stops here and remarks that White is mating Black. } 36... h5 37. Qc1+ Ka4 38. Qc2+ Ka3 39. Qa2# {This line of analysis by GM Andrew Soltis. (Although it is not clear how much of this analysis he "borrowed" from GM Seirawan in the magazine "Inside Chess".) }) ( {#4.) or} 30... Ne4 31. fxe4 Qc4 32. Ra7 32... Rd1+ 33. Kb2 Qxc3+ 34. Kxc3 Rd6 35. e5 Rb6 36. Kb2 Re8 37. Bg2 37... Rd8 (37... Rxe5 38. Bb7 Re3 ( {Definetely not} 38... Ree6 39. Bd5 Re3 40. Bb3+ Rxb3+ 41. cxb3#) 39. Bxa6 Rxa3 40. Bc8+ Kxb4 41. Rxa3 ) 38. Bb7 Rd7 39. Bc6 39... Rd8 ( {or} 39... Rxa7 40. Bd5 Rd7 41. Bb3#) 40. Bb7 {... "with c4 to follow, is also a win for White." - FM Burgess. (This line may have originated with GM Kasparov.) }) 31. Qxf6 31... Kxa3 { What else can Black do? '?' - GM Christiansen. '?' - GM Seirawan. (I personally think this is a little too harsh.) (Black may not have yet seen the knock-out blow. The end is still many moves away and there are several pretty and surprising moves yet to find.) } ( {Soltis gives the line} 31... Rd1+ 32. Kb2 32... Ra8 { } ( {If} 32... Qd4+ 33. Qxd4 Rxd4 34. Rxf7 { (Maybe "+-")}) { } 33. Qb6 33... Qd4+ {GM Soltis stops here.} 34. Qxd4 Rxd4 35. Rxf7 {Burgess stops here, and says, ..."winning more prosaically." - FM Burgess. This line was also printed in Seirawan's magazine "Inside Chess". } 35... Rd6 {This looks forced.} ( {The alternatives are: } 35... h5 36. Be6 ) (35... a5 36. Be6 axb4 37. Bb3+ Ka5 38. axb4+ 38... Kb6 {Forced. } ( {Not} 38... Rxb4 39. c3 {and the Rook is trapped.}) { } 39. Rxh7 { (Maybe " ") ..."with a winning ending." - GM Christiansen. }) { (Returning to the main analysis line after 35...Rd6.)} 36. Rxh7 {"A very de ceiving position. Materially, Black is not doing so badly. But if White's light-squared Bishop ever gains one of the diagonals leading to the Black King. .." - A.J.G. }) 32. Qxa6+ Kxb4 33. c3+ {It rains beautiful moves. '!' - Soltis only awards this move one exclamation point. But this is such an amazing move, I think it fully deserves two. '!' - (Many other annotators also give this move an exclam. Including the South American magazine I was recently sent.) White attacks Black's King, but further exposes his own royal leader. '!' - Burgess also only gives White's 33rd move one exclam. "33.Bd7 Rxd7 34.Rxd7 Rc8! and Black is still fighting." - GM Christiansen. '!!' - GM Seirawan also gives this move TWO exclamation points. '!!' - GM Arnold Denker also gives this move TWO exclams.[See the magazine "Chess Life". May, 1999.] '!' - GM DeFirmian. '!' - GM Christiansen. } ( { I have showed this game (and position) dozens and dozens times to friends and students. Most strong players want to play themove} 33. Bd7 { (Maybe '!') This looks winning. }) 33... Kxc3 { Very clearly, this is forced. } ( {Not} 33... Qxc3 34. Qxb5+ Ka3 35. Ra7+ Qa5 36. Rxa5#) 34. Qa1+ Kd2 35. Qb2+ Kd1 36. Bf1 {Incredible. How many brilliant moves can one man play? Soltis writes: "A fine concluding blow. The Bishop cannot be taken because of because of 37.Qc2+ and 38.Re7+." '!' - Soltis gives this move only one exclam. But the move is so pretty and surprising, I think it fully deserves two exclamation points. '!' - Burgess also gives White's 36th move one exclam. '!!' - GM Christiansen gives White's 36th move... TWO exclamation points! "The attack reaches its climax. Black must yield his Queen to avoid mate." - GM Christiansen. '!!' - GM Seirawan also awards White's 36th move two exclams! '!!' - GM Joel Lautier in a French chess magazine. '!' - GM DeFirmian. (MCO-14) '!!' - (After posting this game on the Internet, an avid reader scanned a Spanish Magazine from South America and sent me this game as a text attachment to an e-mail. I am not sure who the annotator was, but they also awarded this move[36.Bf1] two exclams.) } ( {Not} 36. Re7 36... Qd3+ 37. Ka1 37... Ra8+ {(One of my beginner students suggested 36.Re7 to try to threaten mate. The problem is the White King is too exposed for this to work.) }) 36... Rd2 {Forced. (Not much choice here.) } (36... Qxf1 37. Qc2+ Ke1 38. Re7+ Qe2 39. Qxe2#) 37. Rd7 {(Maybe '!!') Yet one more tactical shot. '!' - Soltis also awards this move only one exclam. '!' - FM Burgess, in his excellent book "Chess Highlights of The 20th Century," also awards this move an exclamation point. '!' - As does GM Christiansen in his book. '!!' - Seirawan awards White's 37th move[Rd7] TWO exclams. '!' - "The final trick, but white is completely right - the game is finally over." - GM Ftacnik. '!' - GM DeFirmian, in MCO-14, awards this move one exclam and stops here and concludes that White is winning. } ( {If} 37. Bxc4 37... Rxb2+ 38. Kxb2 bxc4 39. Kc3 f5 40. Kxc4 ) 37... Rxd7 38. Bxc4 bxc4 39. Qxh8 { The end. "Black can resign." - GM Soltis. (The game concluded:) } 39... Rd3 40. Qa8 c3 41. Qa4+ Ke1 42. f4 f5 43. Kc1 Rd2 44. Qa7 {Black Resigns. } (44. Qa7 {(If} 44... Rxh2 45. Qg1+ {wins the Rook.)}) 1-0 White to move: find the best move... click the ? for the solution Black to move: find the best move... click the ? for the solution Warning: This game can only be seen if JavaScript is enabled in your browser. No related posts.