Spassky, Boris V – Fischer, Robert James Spassky, Boris V (2560) Fischer, Robert James (2785) Result: 1/2-1/2 Metadata » Click to open. Date: 1992.??.?? Location: Belgrade Tournament: St Stefan/Belgrade m Round: Opening: B25 Sicilian Closed, 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 (without 6.Be3 (B26)) Submitted by: Published on: February 8, 2020 [Event "St Stefan/Belgrade m"] [Site "Belgrade"] [Date "1992.??.??"] [Round "22"] [White "Spassky, Boris V"] [Black "Fischer, Robert James"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2560"] [BlackElo "2785"] [ECO "B25"] 1.e4 c5 2.Ne2 Nf6 3.Nbc3 d6 4.g3 Nc6 5.Bg2 g6 6.O-O Bg7 7.d3 O-O 8.h3 Rb8 9.f4 Bd7 10.Be3 b5 11.a3 Ne8 12.d4 cxd4 13.Nxd4 b4 14.Nxc6 Bxc6 15.axb4 Rxb4 16.Rxa7 Rxb2 17.e5 Bxg2 18.Kxg2 Nc7 19.exd6 exd6 20.Na4 Ra2 21.Bb6 Qe8 22.Rxc7 Qxa4 23.Qxd6 Rxc2+ 24.Rxc2 Qxc2+ 25.Bf2 Qe4+ 26.Kg1 1/2-1/2 [Event "St Stefan/Belgrade m"] [Site "Belgrade"] [Date "1992.??.??"] [Round "22"] [White "Spassky, Boris V"] [Black "Fischer, Robert James"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2560"] [BlackElo "2785"] [ECO "B25"] 1.e4 c5 2.Ne2 Nf6 3.Nbc3 d6 4.g3 Nc6 5.Bg2 g6 6.O-O Bg7 7.d3 O-O 8.h3 Rb8 9.f4 Bd7 10.Be3 b5 11.a3 Ne8 12.d4 cxd4 13.Nxd4 b4 14.Nxc6 Bxc6 15.axb4 Rxb4 16.Rxa7 Rxb2 17.e5 Bxg2 18.Kxg2 Nc7 19.exd6 exd6 20.Na4 Ra2 21.Bb6 Qe8 22.Rxc7 Qxa4 23.Qxd6 Rxc2+ 24.Rxc2 Qxc2+ 25.Bf2 Qe4+ 26.Kg1 1/2-1/2 White to move: find the best move... click the ? for the solution Black to move: find the best move... click the ? for the solution Warning: This game can only be seen if JavaScript is enabled in your browser. No related posts.